Simple Dos & Don’ts for First Time Skincare Users

With more of us staying home, we have become very introspective and health-conscious about our bodies. With this extra time for rest, we can focus on healthy dieting, exercise, and restoring our skin. In this time, everyone is searching for the right products, treatments, and regimens to give us that natural, healthy glow. Whether you’re new to skincare, or just want to hit the reset button, this is the perfec- article for you. Here are some simple and valuable dos and don’ts for glowing skin.




Get consultation by a skincare professional Follow someone elses' regimen without research
Consume more healthy (or alkaline) foods and drinks Consume acidic, oily or high-sugar foods
Form skin-boosting hobbies and habits Smoke or form unhealthy habits
Wash your hands before applying skin products Touch your face unnecessarily, or without washing your hands
Exfoliate marks and allow pimples to dry on Pick your marks or pop pimples
Cleanse twice a day, and deep exfoliate weekly Allow makeup, sweat, oil and dirt to build up on your skin
Wear sunscreen when going out in the sun Opt-out of sunscreen because of skin shade, age or gender
Clean your headsets, pillowcases, towels and other face-touching objects frequently Allow hair products or unclean objects near your face
Invest in a good moisturizer and serum Leave the skin dry or dehydrated
Trust your skin's healing process Give up on your healing


  1. Get a consultation by a skincare professional: A 1-on-1 guidance from someone educated on the skin and cosmetic skincare can dramatically improve the outcome of your skin.
  2. Eat gut-healthy (alkaline) foods and drinks: Good skincare and a good diet have always worked well together. This is because whatever you put into your body shows on your skin. Eating more plant-based meals that are baked, boiled, or steamed helps to maintain the skin’s pH levels and avoid breakouts. Good examples are nuts, grains, legumes, fruits, and green leafy vegetables.
  3. Form skin-boosting hobbies and habits: Finding hobbies that reduce stress and boost the immune system are great additions for restarting your skin journey. Remember that skincare is a holistic process that relies on the health of your entire body.
  4. Exfoliate marks and allow pimples to dry: It’s so tempting to pop a pimple or pick the marks on your skin. Skin professionals will always recommend to not do so. Instead, use a targeted Spot Treatment or any other exfoliator to dry out pimples and fade marks.
  5. Wash your hands before applying skin products: Whatever’s on your hands will enter your pores! Make sure that you wash your hands for at least 20 seconds before applying any of your topical products.
  6. Cleanse twice a day, deep exfoliate weekly: If you’re going outside, this increases the amount of dirt, oil, or bacteria that accumulates on your skin. Ensure that you are cleansing your face at least morning and night to keep your pores clean. Deep exfoliate 1-2 times weekly (depending on skin type) to get rid of dead skin cells and other impurities that may clog your pores.
  7. Wear sunscreen when going out in the sun: When going out in direct sunlight, wear an SPF 30 minimum and reapply every two 2 hours.
  8. Clean your headsets, pillowcases, towels, and other face-touching objects frequently: Make sure to constantly change your bedsheets, masks, bath towels, and to clean your headphones or phones. Face-touching objects often accumulate dirt, oil, and bacteria and can cause breakouts.
  9. Invest in a good moisturizer and serum: Healthy skin needs moisture both inside and out. Stay hydrated by drinking enough water, but always wear an oil-free moisturizer in the day and a night serum before bed.
  10. Trust your skin’s healing process: So many people give up on their skincare journey because they get discouraged by the healing process. Especially if you suffer from acne-prone or oily skin, remember that the skin needs to heal by releasing any impurities that have accumulated in the pores over a period of time.


  1. Follow someone else's regimen without research: Remember that your skin is unique. Just because a product or regimen works for one person does not mean that it's right for you. We always recommend speaking to a skincare professional (i.e. aesthetician or dermatologist), and researching before starting a new regimen.:
  2. Consume acidic, oily, or high-sugar foods: Dairy, sodas, caffeine, acidic foods, and other meals that are high in sugar and oils cause inflammation to the skin. Instead, opt for plant-based meals that are baked, steamed, or boiled to manage your skin’s pH and avoid breakouts.
  3. Smoke or form unhealthy habits: Contents found in cigarettes and vapes are very unhealthy for its dehydrating properties. Smoking takes away from the body’s hydration and oftentimes causes breakouts and signs of aging.
  4. Touch your face unnecessarily, or without washing your hands: Constantly touching your face throughout the day allows bacteria on your hands to contaminate the skin. Before touch, your face, wash your hands for at least 20 seconds.
  5. Pick your marks or pop pimples: By popping or picking at the skin, it allows more bacteria to enter and cause more inflammation.
  6. Allow makeup, sweat, oil, and dirt to build on your skin: Avoid going to bed before cleansing the skin of any makeup, oil, sweat, or dirt that may have accumulated throughout the day.
  7. Opt-out of sunscreen because of skin shade, age, or gender: UV rays are harmful to all skin types, and do not discriminate against age, gender, or skin tone. By wearing an SPF 30 (minimum) whenever you go into direct sunlight, you are protecting your skin’s layers, avoiding dehydration, and reducing the risk of fine lines & wrinkles.
  8. Allow hair products or unclean objects near your face: Our hair oftentimes contain a lot of products concentrated in oil or alcohol. Also, we may forget to clean/change objects (i.e. sheets, phones, pillowcases, towels, sponges) that come into contact with our skin every day. Make sure to constantly change or clean any face-touching objects every week.
  9. Leave the skin dry or dehydrated: Remember to moisturize your skin every day to avoid the overproduction of oil and signs of aging.
  10. Mix or apply too many overstimulating products: By mixing too many products with powerful active ingredients (i.e. Salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, retinol) can irritate the skin. Instead, stick to a set regimen to avoid a negative skin reaction.
  11. Give up on your healing: Your healing won’t be easy and may feel discouraging. But do not give up on the process and the time your skin will need to restore itself.

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